roof insulation material

Roof insulation material is an important part of a building’s energy-efficient design. It reduces the amount of energy used to heat and cool the space, making it more comfortable and lowering utility bills in the long run. There are many different types of insulation to choose from, and it’s important to choose the best one for your needs.

Insulation material can be categorized by R-value, which shows how much heat it can hold per square foot. This number is based on the thickness and density of the product. It also indicates how well the material will hold in place, and it will help you determine which type of insulation is right for your roof.

Fiberglass: Made of spun-glass fibers, fiberglass is a cost-effective roof insulation option that comes in the form of batt blankets or blown-in insulation. The product is lightweight and easy to install. It can provide a natural sound barrier, flame-resistant shielding and efficient guard against condensation.

Loose-fill insulation: Made of recycled materials such as cellulose, loose-fill insulation is inexpensive and can be used to fill in small spaces between ceiling or wall joists and studs. It’s also a good choice for filling in large gaps, such as under roof trusses and in the corners of walls.

Blown-in insulation: The most common roof insulation option, blown-in insulation comes in prefabricated chunks that can be blown into nearly any void. It’s cheap, easy to install and offers a high R-value.

Sheep’s wool: Sheep’s wool is an environmentally friendly alternative to glass wool and rock wool, a popular roof insulation material. It’s moisture-resistant and can be used to insulate both pitched and flat roofs.

Polyisocyanurate: This foam insulation is made by heating a blend of polystyrene and other chemicals, which causes the material to expand into rigid foam panels. The closed-cell foam panels are durable, fireproof and resistant to molds and mildew.

Extruded polystyrene: Similar to polyiso, EPS is made by expanding a polystyrene polymer and running it through an extrusion process. It’s water-resistant and has a long life span.

Insulation boards: Designed to be installed on top of the primary thermal insulation in a roof assembly, roof-membrane insulation boards are typically constructed of wood fiber, perlite, cellular glass or gypsum board. They can be asphalt impregnated or asphalt coated to improve their moisture resistance.

Cover boards: Cover boards are usually made of a lightweight insulation material, such as cellulose or mineral wool, that’s placed over the primary thermal insulation in a roof assembly. They offer an additional layer of protection against problems such as face delamination, blistering, cupping and edge cavitation that often occur with insulation.

Rigid board insulation: Designed to be installed over the primary thermal insulation in a roof, rigid insulation boards consist of polyiso, extruded polystyrene (XPS) or expanded polystyrene (EPS). They’re available in a variety of sizes and can be used in a wide range of applications.

Insulation can be a powerful tool to control the flow of energy in your home, helping to prevent the formation of harmful molds and reducing heating bills. But it’s essential to know the best roofing insulation material for your specific situation and to have the help of a professional when it comes time to install it.